Des cellules souches survivent 17 jours après la mort – Nature Communications – 12 juin 2015
Étonnant ! Les cellules souches des muscles restent en sommeil jusqu’à 17 jours après la mort d’un individu.
Elles réduisent leur métabolisme pour ne plus consommer qu’un minimum d’énergie. Mais lorsqu’elles retrouvent un environnement favorable, elles redeviennent capables de « fabriquer » du muscle…
Mathieu Bélanger, MD, CCFP, CPSO Recognized Specialist (Chronic Pain), is the founder and President of Inovo Medical. Dr. Bélanger began his academic career by earning an undergraduate degree in kinesiology (i.e., the science of body mechanics) before enrolling in medicine at the University of Montréal. He is particularly interested in pain related to sports injuries and musculo-skeletal disorders. This interest led him to travel extensively for various types of training on pain treatment given by leading experts. Since then, his objective has been to play an active role in the development and delivery of the most sophisticated and effective treatments for chronic pain.